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- Written by Flavia Caretta
- Hits: 5716
The connection between health and old age is complex and often influenced by myths and misconceptions. It is argued that old age is equivalent to a time of illness. Medicine itself has endorsed this idea, to such an extent that gerontology has even been defined as the science that traces the downward trends... LEGGI TUTTO
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- Written by Teodoro Marotta
- Hits: 5612
Patients, if trust their doctors, are committed to them and this affects clinical outcomes. One thousand patients have been interviewed in family practice waiting rooms.
Moving from the previous observation that patients show higher satisfaction scores if they usually visit the same doctor, a group of US physicians and business experts has investigated whether strength of patients’ commitment to their family physician was associated with adherence to prescriptions and healthy eating.
The report has been published in the January/February issue of the Annals of Family Medicine 1.
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- Written by Teodoro Marotta
- Hits: 5943
The issue no. 9590 of The Lancet (September 9, 2007) contains several articles about mental health. As usual for the journal, a global perspective is given and social aspects of the problem are particularly addressed. S. Moussavi et al (1), analysing data from the World Health Survey of WHO, aimed at comparing the impairment in health state induced by depression with that due to four common chronic diseases: angina, arthritis, asthma, and diabetes.