She needed to move
I walked into an evaluation where I was immediately told that the physical therapists had decided there was nothing they could do.
The thin veil between life and death
After accompanying your father until his death, what changed in your perception of old age?
Older and happier
Now that I am in my mid-80s, I have noticed how people are treating me differently from when I was younger. They often tell me how good I look, apparently trying to help me accept my aging.
Care TOgether, TOday, TOmorrow
The Global Festival on "Buen Vivir for People and the Planet”: after two years of a pandemic, which has highlighted the inequalities and unmet needs of so many communities around the world – from health care to ecology, from economics to education – the proposal of a meeting is born to highlight the stories of excluded and forgotten communities, suggest proposals and solutions for inclusion, empowerment and solidarity.
Pontifical Academy for Life calls for dissemination of palliative care
An online webinar from 9 to 11 February organized by the Pontifical Academy for Life is part of its project to improve the dissemination of palliative care in the world.
La relazione che cura
WEBINAR GRATUITO venerdì 11 febbraio 2022 dalle ore 17,30 alle ore 19,30. “La relazione che cura 2: IL DOPO” Oltre la malattia, la salute che nasce dalla relazione.” L’Associazione Igino Giordani di Bari in collaborazione con Health Dialogue Culture , Umanità Nuova Puglia e Basilicata, Movimento dei Focolari di Bari, ASD Nordic Walking Apulia Lifestyle, UìTogether
Protecting vulnerable lives
An interview with theologian Dana Dillon about a consistent life ethic. According to Pew Research, the religiously unaffiliated in the U.S. population now stands at 26%, up from 17% in 2009.
My higher purpose
A visually impaired young woman transforms suffering to help others. I’m 26 and study electronic engineering. When I was 8, I had an illness which was misdiagnosed as a brain tumor. This left me with a damaged optic nerve and poor eyesight. As a result, I often wondered about suffering and the reasons for it.
Accessibility and Inclusion
December 11, 2021 2 pm (Rome time – UTC 13) | This webinar will take place in five editions, according to language (Italian, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese), on different dates and times to meet the needs of the various time zones. In this way, we can facilitate the exchange and sharing of ideas without translations.
Equal dignity for all
Charles Camosy, author of Resisting Throwaway Culture and Losing Our Dignity, on society’s changing view of life’s meaning and the value of suffering. We learned a lot of things from the pandemic — but one negative trend that we saw is definitely how easy it is to value one life over the other.
COP 26
Si parla molto di #COP26, ma capiamo davvero cos’è e perché è così importante? Il #ClimateChange sta peggiorando: abbiamo visto aumentare inondazioni, forti tempeste, incendi, desertificazione, erosione del suolo, inquinamento dell’aria e dell’acqua e altri disastri naturali.
Focus #Pathway Verde
Networking for an Integral Ecology WHEN? October 30 and 31, 2021. Between 12:30 and 4:30 p.m. (Italian time).
A formative and collaborative meeting on Pathway Dare To Care - for an Integral Ecology, to:
Life’s fragility
I went in for a routine, 20-week ultrasound. At this point, most expectant parents find out their baby’s gender. Since I was a high-risk patient due to my four previous C-sections, I was scheduled a little earlier to make sure that the baby was growing well and that there was no placenta accreta (a dangerous condition when the placenta becomes embedded).
Choosing forgiveness helped me to move on
A young woman shares her journey of healing after sexual assault. I had met a young man, and we started hanging out together. That night, circumstances led to him being in my apartment alone with me.
Covid calls for creativity
A psychologist discusses how to cope with pandemic stress and family options. Much has been written and discussed about pandemic-driven anxiety in our families and local communities.