Networking for an Integral Ecology WHEN? October 30 and 31, 2021. Between 12:30 and 4:30 p.m. (Italian time).

A formative and collaborative meeting on Pathway Dare To Care - for an Integral Ecology, to:

1. Know the itineraries of the Pathway
2. Deepen topics, experiences and projects
3. Get to know each other and dialogue

Young people and adults of the Focolare Movement, in particular those who accompany groups of children, teens, adults, families, religious communities, parishes, local coordinators and those who - for various reasons - are involved in activities and projects related to the themes of the event.

Online. By Zoom. For all the world.
The schedule and links to join will be available at:

There will be translations into: Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French and other languages.


The Gen 4, Gen 3–Teens for Unity, Gen 2–Youth for a United World Centers,
the Secretariats of New Humanity, New Families, Parish and Diocesan Movements
and Center for Dialogue with Culture.

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